Blood Diamond DVD

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Edward Zwick directs this tale of a prized diamond, the hands through which it passes and the inhumanity that results from man's greed. Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a former Zimbabwean mercenary now living in Sierra Leone during the '91-'00 civil war. Archer hears that an imprisoned Mende fisherman, Solomon Vandy (Djimon Honsou), has found and hid a large, pink diamond whilst doing forced labour in the mines the guerrillas are using to fund their war. Vandy has escaped the camp but his son is left behind. Archer has the wherewithal to help him make the perilous return to the camp, though his motives are less honourable than those of the frantic father. An American Journalist Maddy Bowen is sniffing for a story and forms an attachment to Archer, who looks like a story all of his own. She's soon embarked upon the journey with them - her contacts as useful as those of Archer in securing a path through the dangerous terrain of this lawless country. It soon becomes apparent that Archer is not the only one who's heard about this giant pink jewel and the trio is beset by those intent on having it at every turn. Can they reach Vandy's son before the rebels brainwash him and make him yet another boy soldier? Can Maddy convince Archer to do the right thing for the right reason? Is there a heart in Archer's chest?

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{"Oblíbené kategorie":[["Dámská tílka",""],["Pánské basketbalové boty",""],["Metráž",""],["Grafické tablety",""],["Panenky Barbie",""],["Interaktivní roboti s detekcí překážek",""],["Trafa k autodráhám",""],["Chest Rig vesty",""],["Schůdky k bazénům nerezové",""],["Parní vysavače",""]],"Jak vybrat nejlépe":[["Jak vybrat elektrocentrálu?",""],["Jak vybrat vánoční stromeček a k němu vhodné ozdoby?",""],["Jak vybrat dámskou halenku nebo košili?",""]],"Vybrané produkty":[["Norton Sedlo univerzální Rexine EVOL černé",""],["Oman Polar Plus 120x70cm",""],["SRB XRS06 offroad",""],["AQA bazénový vodopád 106 1000 mm",""],["Multised pracovní židle FLASH BZJ 017H AS",""],["Lovela Baby avivážní přípravek 2 l 33 PD",""],["SKE Strip Bar Blueberry Sour Raspberry 20 mg 600 potáhnutí 1 ks",""]],"Doporučujeme":[["Apple iPhone 15",""],["Parfémy",""],["Bazény",""],["PlayStation 5",""],["Lego",""],["Zahrada",""],["Nábytek",""],["Oblečení a móda",""]]}