After Thomas DVD

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True story of a severely autistic child and his parents' struggles to cope with his affliction. Kyle (Andrew Byrne) was born with severe autism and, as his mother Nicola (Keely Hawes) determinedly throws her life into caring for his needs, a rift appears between her and Rob, (Ben Miles) her husband. Nicola only has her parents, Pat and Jim to rely on in her efforts to reach through the thick fog of autism into Kyle's heart, as they are also absolutely doted on Kyle and his wellbeing. When the family gets a Labrador pup, Thomas, there are signs that his innocent, pure canine heart might be reaching out to Kyle in ways that even the greatest human love cannot achieve. When Grandma Pat passes away, the family must solidify to overcome their grief but when Thomas becomes ill and looks like following Pat, Kyle's progress is threatened.

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{"Oblíbené kategorie":[["Sety dřezu a baterie",""],["Masky proti hmyzu a třásně",""],["Krmiva pro terarijní zvířata",""],["Čističe brzd aut",""],["Projektory",""],["Omega 3 mastné kyseliny",""],["LED Dálková světla na auta",";32507:1/"],["Adventní kalendáře pro děti",",36858172,36858173/"],["Cestovní postýlky pro panenky",""],["Černé pánské ponožky",""]],"Jak vybrat nejlépe":[["Jak vybrat hrnec?",""],["Jak vybrat PC skříň?",""],["Jak vybrat kojeneckou lahev?",""]],"Vybrané produkty":[["M.A.T. Group 785021",""],["Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing with Banjoo-Kazooie",""],["SilverCrest SWKC 3000 E3 antracitová",""],["Aladine Diářová razítka StampoPlanner České nápisy",""],["Bones Big Balls Reds 8 ks",""],["Demar zateplené DINO modrá",""],["3D Memories kouzelné otisky bez potisku otisk nožičky a ručičky bez použití barev",""]],"Doporučujeme":[["Apple iPhone 15",""],["Parfémy",""],["Bazény",""],["PlayStation 5",""],["Lego",""],["Zahrada",""],["Nábytek",""],["Oblečení a móda",""]]}